In the era of information technology, computers are an integral part of business processes. However, with rising electricity prices, companies in India are looking to find ways to cut costs. An important aspect is the power consumption of computers, which directly affects operating costs.
Initial data
The average desktop computer uses about 200 watts of electricity per hour. Given an 8-hour workday, one PC consumes approximately 1.6 kWh of electricity per day. The average cost of a kilowatt-hour in India varies, but for the sake of calculation, let's take an average rate of Rs 7 per kWh.
If you take an average company in Mumbai with 100 computers, the daily energy costs will be:
1.6 kWh × 100 computers = 160 kWh per day.
160 kWh × 7 rupees = 1,120 rupees per day.
1,120 rupees × 22 working days = 24,640 rupees per month.
Thus, the annual electricity cost for the company will be around Rs 295,680.
Comparison with thin clients
Thin clients consume significantly less electricity - approximately 20 to 50 watts per hour. Taking an average value of 35 watts, costs are reduced by six times:
0.035 kWh × 100 thin clients = 3.5 kWh per day.
3.5 kWh × 7 rupees = 24.5 rupees per day.
24.5 rupees × 22 working days = 539 rupees per month.
With an annual cost of around Rs 6,468, the savings are around Rs 289,212 per year compared to traditional desktops.
Thin clients can significantly reduce energy costs for Indian companies. This not only reduces operating costs, but also emphasizes the role of thin clients as an automation and resource optimization tool. Given this data, switching to thin clients could be a smart move for Indian enterprises looking to use energy and resources more efficiently.
To compile this analysis, we turned to the following types of sources:
Reports of energy companies in India.
Research on energy consumption of IT equipment.
Statistics from the Government of India or local authorities.
Analytical reports from consulting companies specializing in energy and IT infrastructures.
It is recommended that you consult recent publications in these areas for up-to-date information.